Do you need to hire a technical writer or other technical communication specialist? JPG offers flexible options for temporary, temp-to-hire, and direct-hire positions. We search, screen, and hire only the best technical writers and other communicators to match the specific needs of your project(s). Learn More…
JPG is ready to quickly respond to your technical writing & other communication requests on an RFP, quotation, and PO basis. From our Minneapolis/St. Paul headquarters, we support tech. comm. projects in a variety of ways, including: technical writing, illustrating, instructional design, e-learning, & more. With our Content Studio One™ and FastTrack™ offerings, JPG provides several easy turn-key solutions for getting your project off to a fast start. Learn More…
JPG’s mission is to provide technical documentation solutions that meet your expanding list of deliverables & delivery systems. JPG has the talent, hardware, software, & experience to meet all your project needs. Other solutions include: general consultation, individual candidate sourcing, purchased services, department facilitation, and project management. Learn More…
Are you a professional seeking a job in technical writing? JPG is always eager to connect with new technical communication talent — new grad or seasoned professional. View JPG’s Job page. Follow us on LinkedIn for the latest JPG Tech. Comm. Tips, industry news, and employment opportunities. Learn More…
Clients: To request a technical writer or other communicator, select REQUEST RESOURCE.
Candidates: To apply for employment for technical communication opportunities, select SUBMIT RESUME.
Why Choose JPG?
Client Testimonials
“Integrity is the first word that comes to mind when I think of JPG & Associates. I would rarely (if ever) use this term when referring to other consulting companies I’ve encountered. JPG stands out with their goal of offering the best possible rates to both customers and consultants. They take a modest share while minimizing the customer’s billable rate and maximizing the rate to their consultants. By combining respectful treatment of consultants, competitive rates, and a reputation for honesty, JPG is able to maintain long-term relationships with their best people. I give JPG Associates my highest rating.”
“I chose JPG over other contract writing services because of the quality of people at JPG & Associates, Inc. and because of JPG’s integrity. While many national contract services have simply thrown resumes at me, JPG carefully considers candidates to make sure they match the jobs. If I had to secure contract services again, my first step would be to contact JPG.”
“JPG is a very good provider of technical writing talent. They provides the information you need to choose the best resource for your project based on talent and cost. Their billing is fair and timely and JPG will work with you to maintain a good, long-term working relationship.”
“JPG is my first choice for contract technical writers and graphic designers. They are also very well connected to companies in the metro and I know many writers who want to work with them. JPG has been a great resource for me over the years.”
“I have worked with Jerry Grohovsky and JPG over the past 10 years both as a contractor and as a customer hiring contract help. JPG has always been honest and accommodating in my business dealings with them. JPG is a trusted source of technical communications talent and has contributed to my success as a writer and a manager.”
Consultant and Client Resources

For additional PowerPoint presentations and articles, please visit our Consultant Resources page.
Six Good Reasons To Hire A Professional Technical Writer
By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2016. JPG & Associates, Inc. Many small to medium-size engineering, manufacturing, or start-up companies do not have a technical writer on-staff. Subsequently, when the need arises to find a technical writer, [...]
What You Should Know Before Working With A Technical Writer
By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2017. JPG & Associates, Inc. If you—the client—have never worked with a technical writer previously (either as a new client, project manager, or subject matter expert—SME), there are certain facts about [...]
How Can A Technical Communicator Develop Content Without Being An Expert?
By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2018. JPG & Associates, Inc. Often Tech. Comm. Professionals (or TCPs) are caught off-guard when asked this all too-common question: “How can you write intelligently about a product, process, or [...]
Reasons for Technical Writers to be Involved Early in the Development Process
By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2014. JPG & Associates, Inc. Savings in terms of dollars and time: The most obvious advantage is in the face-value savings realized by using technical writers, from development through product delivery. [...]
For additional tech. comm. marketplace articles, please visit our Client Articles page.