Six Good Reasons To Hire A Professional Technical Writer

By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2016. JPG & Associates, Inc. Many small to medium-size engineering, manufacturing, or start-up companies do not have a technical writer on-staff. Subsequently, when the need arises to find a technical writer, stake-holders often make the mistake of assigning the documentation project to an engineer, technician, or marketing communications employee inside the [...]

2025-01-15T10:23:36-06:00October 7th, 2019|Client Articles|

What You Should Know Before Working With A Technical Writer

By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2017. JPG & Associates, Inc. If you—the client—have never worked with a technical writer previously (either as a new client, project manager, or subject matter expert—SME), there are certain facts about technical writers, the profession itself, and how projects evolve that will help you to be more successful in a first-time [...]

2025-01-15T08:50:23-06:00October 6th, 2019|Client Articles|

How Can A Technical Communicator Develop Content Without Being An Expert?

By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2018. JPG & Associates, Inc. Often Tech. Comm. Professionals (or TCPs) are caught off-guard when asked this all too-common question: “How can you write intelligently about a product, process, or technical topic unless you are an engineer, scientist, Ph.D., or similar expert of that topic?” In the future, I suggest [...]

2025-01-15T08:51:37-06:00October 5th, 2019|Client Articles|

Reasons for Technical Writers to be Involved Early in the Development Process

By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2014. JPG & Associates, Inc. Savings in terms of dollars and time: The most obvious advantage is in the face-value savings realized by using technical writers, from development through product delivery. Hour-to-hour comparisons show that: Technical writer billing time is much less costly than engineer billing time (possibly 30-50% lower, especially [...]

2025-01-15T10:15:13-06:00October 5th, 2019|Client Articles|

Quotation VS Hourly–Consideration To Help You Decide

By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2018. JPG & Associates, Inc. You may want to consider doing projects on a project- by-project quotation basis if: Projects are very intermittent. With projects done on a quotation basis, more paperwork is required—since each project requires a separate quotation. Either volume of individual documents is low, or frequency of [...]

2021-02-15T15:21:31-06:00October 3rd, 2019|Client Articles|

On-Site VS Off-Site–Consideration To Help You Decide

By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2018. JPG & Associates, Inc. You may want to consider having your technical writing resources be located on-site (or at the client site) if: Day-to-day (or frequent face-to-face interactions) with subject matter experts (SMEs) are required. There are frequent meetings which are more effective in-person. Authoring tools are tied into [...]

2025-01-15T08:51:14-06:00October 2nd, 2019|Client Articles|

Talent Recruitment Today Demands New Models and Multiple Solutions

By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2016. JPG & Associates, Inc. Since the end of the great recession, the expanding economy has provided a confidence base for companies to be “bullish” on investing in more research, creating new products, expanding manufacturing capacity, and in-turn adding to their employee count to support all these activities. During the past [...]

2025-01-15T10:15:36-06:00October 2nd, 2019|Client Articles|

Commonly Asked Questions About Hiring Consultants and Contractors

By Jerry Grohovsky, Copyright 2014. JPG & Associates, Inc. What Are The Advantages of Using Consultants (Or Contractors) Versus Direct Employees? The use of consultants (or contractors) can reduce a company's overhead costs. In environments with common project "peaks" and "valleys" of activity, resources can be easily adjusted, without paying out annual salaries and benefits [...]

2025-01-15T08:49:56-06:00October 1st, 2019|Client Articles|
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