Step 1 Of Quotation Process: The very first step in the quotation process is to learn as much about the project as possible. Set up a meeting with the primary project owner/stakeholder and associated project team members. Review the following with the client:
1. Establish primary contact/internal who assumes the role as internal advocate.
2. Establish primary project owner.
3. Establish person who controls the budget.
4. Determine project objective, purpose.
5. Determine audience, primary users, benefactors.
6. If using specific development tools, is the tool choice to the discretion of the tech. comm. provider?
7. Ask yourself: Are corporate guidelines and/or templates required?
8. Is there easy access to product, corporate environment?
9. Determine how secured/unsecured files and information will be exchanged
10. Identify key subject matter experts (SMEs).
11. Identify reviewers.
12. Identify those “all stars” and “internal allies” who can retrieve difficult to find anything, etc.
13. Study the company culture.
14. Learn about any internal processes/procedures that will facilitate progress, and identify potential obstacles.
15. Know the draft and final delivery dates; are the target dates solid or flexible?